The Week's Top Stories on

And just like that our 'summer' ceases to be. Have you noticed the nights getting shorter? The air getting nippier? Soon it'll be scarves and hats again. But let's not dwell on that, here's what made it big on this week.

1. BAFTA celebrates 'Downton Abbey'
Downton gets dolled up for a BAFTA celebration

2. Teen Choice Awards 2015
Red carpet trials and errors a-go-go

3. Three Top Tips for a Smooth, Flawless Make-up Base
You didn't wake up like this, but you'll look like you did

4. Bootcamp: 7 Reasons Why Women Should Lift Weights
Push it real good

5. Our Secret Combo For Forcing Makeup to Last All Day
A 1-2 punch to help that face stay beat

6. Forgotten Treasures: Rediscovered Beauty Favourites
The oldies are still goodies

7. Out, Damned Spot: 3 Brilliant Picks for Bad Skin Days
How to deal with those day ruiners

8. Turn Back Time: Makeup Tips for That Youthful Glow
Prepare to get ID'd again

9. Bird Prints are Going Nowhere Fast & Other Stories from the CBS Party
We wish they'd take Nelly Furtado's advice and fly away

10. New competitions to enter!
Win, win win!


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