Boots 'Black Friday' Alert!

Boots 'Black Friday' Alert!
By  | Nov 27, 2014

It's almost that special time of week when we wait up till midnight for some exclusive news from Boots!

And this week is a little bit special because instead of the usual Star Gift, we'll be revealing their top five 'Black Friday' offers. And what is 'Black Friday' I hear you ask? Well, traditionally it is the Friday after Thanksgiving and marks the beginning of our shopping for the fabulous festive season AND it's the day where there are some great savings on offer.

Now, we mightn't celebrate Thanksgiving but we definitely celebrate bargain-hunting!

We'll be bringing Boots' top five 'Black Friday' picks to you at a minute past midnight tonight but in the meantime, don't forget that last week's Star Gift was the luxurious pampering collection, Champneys Complete Home Spa Bath and Bodycare Kit (pictured below). And remember that the draw for this prize closes at 11:59pm tonight so get your entry in here.


We'll be opening the magic door at precisely one minute past midnight tonight to reveal those 'Black Friday' picks. 

So alarms at the ready, we'll see you then! Oh and don't forget that you’ll have a chance to WIN! one of these fab picks for yourself. And trust us, it's a cracker.

Till then! x