Win! A Sleek MakeUP Hamper Worth €200!

Win! A Sleek MakeUP Hamper Worth €200!
By Miriam Burke  | Feb 17, 2015

Irish makeup fans love Sleek MakeUP. Ever since it hit our emerald shores beauty enthusiasts have been raving about this affordable, high-quality brand (and guess what? So has Eva Longoria!) If you haven't heard of it already, it's time to jump on the Sleek train to Beauty Ville!

Makeup professionals and aficionados have been raving Sleek MakeUP for quite some time now. We love cult items; Sleek Pout Polish (€5.49), a creamy pink-peach tinted lip conditioning balm that nourishes whilst providing a subtle hint of colour and a natural sheen; Sleek Blush By 3 (€12.99), a blush palette with three complementary shades, each designed with its own distinctive finish; and the incredible Sleek I-Divine (€9.99), 12 shades of super-pigmented, long-lasting, mineral based eyeshadow, designed to suit absolutely everyone. You need these hero products in your makeup bag.

Sleek MakeUP is purse-friendly - prices range from €5.49 to €12.99 - but with strong pigmentation and a long-lasting finish (not to mention the gorgeous packaging) you are guaranteed top quality. There's also good news for all Irish women as Sleek MakeUP caters from fair to dark skintones and everyone in between.


And there's even better news for one lucky winner; we have a Sleek MakeUP hamper worth €200 to give away to one lucky reader! All you have to do is enter your details in the form below. The competition closes at midnight on March 2nd get your entering fedora on now!