Kirstie Channels Tyra: Smiles With Eyes and Judges Face of Fuschia

Kirstie Channels Tyra: Smiles With Eyes and Judges Face of Fuschia
By  | Oct 15, 2009

When I was asked by the owners of Drogheda-based beauty brand Fuschia to help judge their nationwide Face of Fuschia 2009 competition,  naturally I jumped at the chance. All those hours on the couch watching Tyra and Lisa Bloody Snowden on ANTM/BNTM would not be wasted, after all, eh?

As I daydreamed, I imagined myself dropping my voice irritatingly as I spoke to the contestants, before cruelly booting one out. Maybe, I thought, I could be more like Lisa, and remind everyone on a regular basis that I was once in a Special K ad? No, in the end I resolved to smile with my eyes and just be me. There would, however, be hell to pay for anyone who dared to disagree with my opinions.

Judging took place at the Hilton hotel in Dublin on Tuesday, and myself, the multi-tasking Laura Bermingham (TV3, Sunday Mail, Glow magazine are just three of her many gigs) and the very lovely Andrea Byrne from the Sunday Independent sat on the judging panel along with Fuschia's founder Gillian Moore-Brady and the brand's makeup artist Claire Lynch. We had eight finalists to see and they ranged in age from 17 to 37 and had come from as far afield as Cork and Limerick, but there could be only one winner.  We chose 18-year-old UCD student and Drogheda native Amy McEvoy as our overall pick.


Amy won because of her great, adaptable look. The beauty shots we were given to aid our judging endeavours showed that she's able to transition from girl next door to bolder looks, making her a perfect pick as the face of the brand for the next year. This lovely girl (literally) wins a pile of booty including about two tons of makeup, clothes, jewellery and more.

I know some of you are already fans of the brand and in prep for my Day of Being Tyra, I checked out quite a few bits too. I've got some faves and will be bringing you the low-down on them next week.