WIN! Slendertone System Abs and Arms!

WIN! Slendertone System Abs and Arms!
By  | Jun 12, 2009

Fancy getting all toned and slim for de summer? Slendertone might just have the solution, and grand fellas that they are, they've given us TWO sets of magical electrical goodness to bestow on you lot.

System Abs promises to tone the dreaded tummy area, and System Arms is just the trick for flabby upper arms (I'd quite like one of these myself). So what would you pay for such wonderfulness down the shops? Abs is €169.99 and Arms comes in at €179.89 - so winning one would be Rather Good, eh?



THE QUESTION: two-parter: when did we last run a Slendertone competition, and what's the name of the summer diet some's are doing to get in shape?

HOW TO ENTER: Please send your two answers along with your NAME and FULL POSTAL ADDRESS to, marking your entry 'slendertone'

THE RULES: One entry per person; you must have an Irish postal address (north or south); there is no cash alternative and our decision is final. The competition closes on Friday 19th June 2009 at 5pm and we never share you details with any third party.