Referendum exit poll result revealed tomorrow on the Late Late Show

Referendum exit poll result revealed tomorrow on the Late Late Show
By Lauren Murphy  | May 24, 2018

The entire country is on tenterhooks with tomorrow's referendum, but whether you're voting yes or no, you'll be eager to know the result ASAP

According to several reports, Ryan Tubridy said on his radio show this morning that the exit poll result will be revealed on tomorrow night's Late Late Show, ensuring that it will be the programme that the entire nation is glued to on Friday night.

Tubridy initially said that it would be 10.30pm for the exit poll, but later updated this to say that it will be 11.30pm.


If you're wondering exactly what an exit poll is, by the way, it's essentially a sample survey of thousands of people who have left the polling station after voting, to gauge an estimate of how the final result will turn out. It's worth noting that it's by no means an accurate science - the polls only close at 10 pm, after all - and can be wrong, but they usually give a good indication of what way the vote has swung.

You know where to be at 11.30pm tomorrow night, anyway.