Airport makeup bags: clean, clear and under control

Airport makeup bags: clean, clear and under control
By  | Oct 3, 2007

Oh here's a Can't Live Without if I ever saw one.

Sick of schelpping through Airport Security with your precious makeup in a nasty little sandwich bag?

Ah here it's not right is it? It's degrading to the precious products is what it is.

To treat the elements of gorgeousness this way... well it's quite frankly Not On. In short it's low for the lipgloss, it's a boo for the bronzer, it's pants for the perfumes.

It's a big feckoff to fabilis.


Yeah ok, your Lulu Guinness or Benefit bag might be in your checked in luggage - but sure that's no good is it?

But here's a way to be super stylish - and scamper happily through to the MAC counter and the rest of Airport Shopping and the skies beyond, unfettered.

Clear make up bags especially for such a purpose are available from €5 from McCabes, Sam McCauley and Mulligans pharmacies. I've got mine!