Blather: Thursday Blather: Thursday
By  | Apr 26, 2007

Hey it's Thursday - and yesterday there were reports that we may not be alone in the universe. Yes, astronomers have found a planet in the Goldilocks zone - so called because the conditions for supporting life are "just right". Gotta love it don't you?

I was listening to Rick O'Shea (have you checked out his Half Arsed Blog yet? Rick, change your profile photo, you're much cuter than that in real life!), who pointed out that as the new planet is 20 light years from earth, they'll be able to pick up the well dodgy films and music that were all the rage in 1987.

"Nobody puts baby in the corner" Ring any bells? Yes, cringe city...


Anyways,life continues as normal here at, so get blatherin'!