Blather: Wednesday Blather: Wednesday
By  | Jan 2, 2008

Our first Blather of 2008! Last year no topic was left undiscussed on the Blather. We talked about everything from mascara to men. Em, did we mainly talk about mascara and men? Possibly...

No, we talked about politics, text etiquette (e.g. how many days do you leave it before you text yer man you snogged last night? Should you even text him at all?), life, love, cars, houses, holidays, food, cocktails, weather - and of course makeup.

Anything of note that happened during the year was reported first on the Blather - and I'd say this year will be just the same.


If you're new to, or have been too shy to make a comment until now, make it your New Year Resolution to join in!