Cartoon-tastic: Too Faced to Launch Smurfs Collection - What Would Gargamel Say?

Cartoon-tastic: Too Faced to Launch Smurfs Collection  - What Would Gargamel Say?
By  | Dec 15, 2008

MAC have already mined retro-tastic kiddy fodder with last year's Barbie collection, and their forthcoming Hello Kitty products are also aimed at gals who're grown up - but not too grown up. So it's obviously an area where cash-money can be made.

Enter Too Faced.  Via Bellasugar, I read that there's a Smurfette collection on the way!  Yup, if you were a fan of her blueness, then you'll soon be able to buy  face powder, eye shadow, gloss and liquid eyeliner bearing her moniker. Products will be available state-side shortly, and we'll bring you news of their European launch when  we have it.


What do you lot reckon? Will Too Faced have a hit on their hands - or is this one a miss?