Deadly Dozen: Top 'o The Crop on this week

Deadly Dozen: Top 'o The Crop on this week
By  | Aug 22, 2009

  1. Break out the Bolly - Swap Siopa is BACK! We re-launched it during the week and now you can indulge in the best recession busting high there is - swapping your beauty products! Get over there and join right now do ya hear?
  2. You've got lots of makeup - but you always stick to the same old look? We hear ya!
  3. And on the same theme - are you stuck in an endless "better the devil you know" rut when it comes to trying new things?
  4. Dental Diaries #1: Veneers, braces, whitening - it's all happening here as we begin to experience the lot.
  5. Take our poll and tell us - what do you look for in a salon?
  6. Lady Gaga: strap on or poker pants. Does she have a mickey or wha?
  7. Fancy a bit of hand relief? Or maybe you're in an anti-ride mood? When beauty names go wrong
  8. Best budget beauty salons in the country? You tell us where you like to go - and don't like to go (salon over a butchers anyone?). We're thinking of setting up a consultancy company to advise hapless wannabe salon owners.
  9. Are we liking Chuck Bass? I think it's a resounding YES! And oh yeah, Shockwaves are mentioned here too.
  10. Sneaky Peeks: Clarins go nude for A/W 09, matte nails are IN; Bourjois smoky eyes trios
  11. Rated: Creme de la Mer lipbalm; Andrex new jacks roll; Au Courant Eclipse; Nair Hair Removal Cream
  12. HAIR: John Frieda Sheer Blonde Go Blonder; James Brown Scandalous fabulous flirty dry shampoo