Cut out 'n keep: your essential guide to hangover remedies

Cut out 'n keep: your essential guide to hangover remedies
By  | Dec 21, 2007

There were some interesting responses to Aphrodite's 'Rate it: best hangover cure' post on Wednesday. Some of them made me gag just thinking about them [banana milk?! Evanna!] and while I was desperately trying to hold on to my lunch, I wondered what a nice Boots health advisor would rate. Great big durty breakfast rolls from Centra didn't feature anywhere on her list, which I found utterly bizarre-o. Anyways, by her reckoning, your Christmas party armoury should look something like this:

  • Milk thistle tablets - Glitterkitty also rates milk thistle, which should ideally be taken for a few days coming up to your evening of excess to protect and detoxify your liver. It's most effective in dealing with the effects of a tipple like wine as it works on the impurities present in alcohol; milk thistle's not going to work as well on something like vodka that's been filtered and distilled multiple times.
  • Vitamin B complex - to help perk you up and maintain energy levels - Speccy knows it works. Look for effervescent formulations like Boots Re-Energise Effervescent Tablets for quickest results; it only takes about 15 minutes for them to kick in. I tried these during the week and they really, really helped with my next morning post-party exhaustion.
  • Dioralyte - these little dehydration treatment sachets come in a variety of flavours, and while they mightn't immediately spring to mind as a cure, CC swears by them. They help to prevent that awful, thumping hangover headache by providing sugar as well as replacing lost fluids, minerals and salts. Take one just before you go to bed and another the morning after if you still feel rough.
  • Eye drops - to lubricate and refresh tired peepers. If yours are red or bloodshot, Optrex and Murine both make eye drops specifically for relieving redness and restoring normal blood flow.
  • Lifeline - my Boots expert confided that these capsules work absolutely brilliantly for some people - like, incredible magical cure brilliantly - and then do absolutely nothing for others. So they might be worth trying once to see if you're one of the lucky ones, but I'd say don't go relying on them exclusively just in case you're in the other camp!