Get juicy orange nails with... L'Oreal?

Get juicy orange nails with... L'Oreal?
By  | Jun 13, 2008

For anyone who's keen on the idea of tapping into the Summer trend for all things bright but maybe isn't quite ready to take on the day-glo neons for nails that Kirstie posted about yesterday, take a peep at the L'Oreal stand in your nearest pharmacy next time you're in. There's a new shade in their Resist & Shine range called, er, well I don't know it's name but it's the only orange one they have and it's number 505 and it's only fab - that's it above in the photee, third in from the left.

Now although orange is huuuuuge news in fashion and make-up this season, it's a colour that can sometimes be difficult to wear. This, however, is a fabulously juicy hot red-orange, and while it looks great with a tan it won't make pale fingers look pasty.


Oh and at €6.99, it's a bit of a bargain too!