History of Beauty

History of Beauty
By Beaut.ie  | Jan 29, 2007

Comments on our poll result last week prompted me to finally begin writing a series of posts I've wanted to do since we started the blog. Myself and mine and Aphrodite's other sister are really into social history and regularly swap books. In particular we both love reading about the exploits of the English Monarchy and ruling classes and there is a huge wealth of information out there that has been woven into wonderfully readable books, both fact and fiction, by people like Antonia Fraser, Liza Picard, Stella Tillyard, Phillipa Gregory, Claire Tomalin, Emma Donoghue and loads more - that's just off the top of my head.

One of the things I find the most interesting is women's history, and with that comes the history of costuming and the minutiae of female life during various historical periods. We've always adorned ourselves and notions of beauty changed then just as they do now (except perhaps not quite so quickly) and so I always thought it would be an interesting subject to write a few blog posts on. The first one will appear shortly, and I must point out that because my reading mostly centres on England and France, this is what I know about, therefore this is what I'm writing about. All errors are also mine, and please feel free to add comments or other interesting snippets you know about yourself. Finally, I hope you find this subject as interesting as I do.
