iStylist: The Zero Comittment iPhone Beauty App

iStylist: The Zero Comittment iPhone Beauty App
By  | Aug 17, 2009

I used to love those yokes that came with hair mags years ago: a transfer with lots of different hairstyles, you could place each style over a passport photo of your mug, all the better to determine what'd suit you.

Of course, the idea moved to the web and now, if you've an iTouch or an iPhone, you can bag iStylist for a mere 79c. Check out how a bowl cut'd look as you ride the Daniel Day, or peruse a perm on the bus;  iStylist lets you see how hairstyles (and lots more) will look on your phizog.


Genius, plus it beats that app that turns your phone into a spirit level. Yes, that app that actually I think is madly smartz and secretly really, really want.