It's all go for 'Glow'

It's all go for 'Glow'
By  | Sep 3, 2008

Tomorrow's Thursday, the 4th of September, and according to Met Éireann the forecast is for showers and occassional thundery downpours.

So far, so blah.


However, tomorrow is also launch day for a shiny new Irish women's magazine, edited by beauty writer and former model Laura Bermingham (above). Called 'Glow', it'll be a bi-monthly publication and promises to cater for Irish women from 16 to 60, with a mix of lifestyle, health, fashion, and beauty features. That sounds like a boldly broad demographic to me so I'll definitely be having a snoop when it hits the newsstands (Dublin tomorrow, nationwide from Friday).

Given that it'll only be out every two months, will be bigger than the average A4-ish sized magazine, and is 128 pages long, the team behind 'Glow' reckon that it'll be a more substantial read than most of its competitors. Well, they would, wouldn't they - but at €3.95, it does sound like it'll be value for money!