It's gonna be Back to the Future style!

It's gonna be Back to the Future style!
By  | Sep 4, 2007

Strap yourself into your DeLorean, rev the engine up to warp speed and prepare to travel back with us... to last year. No we're not going to ask you to do the nasty with your Grandad or anything, don't worry. It's just to have a little look at the founding months of (sniff, getting emotional).

Back in the early days of, Kirstie and I wrote our little hearts out. We didn't know if anyone was remotely interested in our witterings but lookit, we were amusing each other! So imagine our excitement every time we got a comment! Someone was actually reading! Someone liked what we had to say!

Thats why we love comments on the blog. We love it when you agree, disagree, tell us something we didn't know, or just talk about any old thing on the Blather that comes into your head. We get such a kick out of comments - so if you still feel too shy to comment, remember we'd love to hear from you.

People often ask us about the blog "Why do you do it?"


Cos we love it that's why! Duh!

But anyway, finally getting to the point here. Back in those days we wrote stuff that we know you'd be really interested in, now that there's loads more of you.

So we're going to be putting up a little blast from the past every now and then. Give us some comment love this time round!