Sneaky Peek: OOoh - Paul Frank Designs Lip Balm!

Sneaky Peek: OOoh - Paul Frank Designs Lip Balm!
By  | Feb 10, 2009

While I'm long past my Paul Frank phase (in my mid-20s I think I owned half of Ireland's GDP in PF merchandise), I did still do a little squeal when I saw on that the monkey-lover himself is to design packaging and monkey-friendly flavours for a US lip balm called Lip Smackers, and they'll feature Julius, Paul Frank's cheeky mascot.

Not out till the end of the year, apparently, and I've no info on whether they'll be available here. First instinct says not - Lip Smacker's parent company, Bonne Belle, don't ship to Ireland. Boo!


Pic via Nylon.