Poll Results: Who Would be Your Indecent Proposal Man?

Poll Results: Who Would be Your Indecent Proposal Man?
By Beaut.ie  | Dec 5, 2006

Sadly our options were less Robert Redford and more Robert Rancid, but you all struggled valiantly on and voted none the less. Class A Bastard Michael O'Leary came top of the poll with a huge 57%, thus proving that indeed, what women love most is a complete prick.

Next up was Feargal Quinn with 16% - well all I can say is, you must be aware of the quality of Superquinn sausages. Horse Fancier JP McManus did it for 11% of you, but poor old Dennis O'Brien and Ben Dunne trailed with 8% and 7% respectively. I can't say I blame you, getting jiggy with those two porky pigs is a tres unattractive prospect.


We've a new poll for you as per usual, and this time we want to know how you came across beaut.ie?