Stocking Fillers / Small Pressies from Boots

Stocking Fillers / Small Pressies from Boots
By  | Dec 18, 2007

The dreaded stocking filler, eh? As if we don't have enough to feckin' contend with, these days everyone expects a pile of little pressies too! The cheeky buggers! Well, I should really take that back, cos I do like my fair share of them as well. Problem is, they can take ages to buy, especially if you really want to get things right for the person you're buying for.


A quick peruse of the website has thrown up a good few suggestions though, and I am liking, from l-r, a Ted Baker pamper set for de guys, a yum looking amazonian gift box for gals; a bling-tastic compact mirror for mum, mate (or me) and this Toni & Guy set for perfect hair every day. That's me sorted so!