Take a tea bath? Ah go on you will

Take a tea bath?  Ah go on you will
By Beaut.ie  | Jul 2, 2007

Ah go on. What's not to like?

Tea is soothing and relaxing. So imagine how a whole bathful of aromatic, steaming ingredients can dissolve stress. Light a smelly candle, lie back, close your eyes, make sure you can reach the hot water tap with your toes to top up the heat and put a Do Not Disturb sign on the door.

Now, what to put in it? Not a Lyons pyramid teabag (though you could always try that if you want). You can buy sachets of bath tea type mixtures of course - but why not use this as an opportunity to go all DIY.

Get an old pair of tights (make sure they've gone through the wash though! Otherwise you will get a whole different bathing experience). Stuff a section with herbs and tie up the top. You can use just about any dried herbs or flowers you like - here's some suggestions:

  • Dried lavender for relaxation
  • Dried thyme to soothe
  • Bath salts and cider vinegar for detox
  • A mix of camomile, peppermint and green teas.
  • Dried lemon or orange rind
  • Add a few drops of any essential oil you like to the bathwater

Put the "tea bag" in the bath and run the water. Let it steep for a few minutes and swirl it around to release the ingredients.

Complete the experience with a DIY salt scrub - mix sea salt and olive oil, for natural (and cheap) exfoliation.