I can see Russia from here: Sarah Palin's subliminal Beaut.ie presence

I can see Russia from here: Sarah Palin's subliminal Beaut.ie presence
By Beaut.ie  | Oct 9, 2008

It was with a dawning sense of horror that the realisation overtook me.

So used to looking at our logo, I never twigged that the little head on the right is...



Right down to the beehived hairdo, the set expression, the glasses and the permanent lipstick. Take the frames off our gals glasses and you'd be hard pressed to tell them apart in a line up.

Oh the irony. We've never tired of taking the piss out of her and now we see... her image is emblazoned on our very banner. How the hell did this happen? Did we look into the future and somehow sense the approach of a new (and horrid) age?

I feel a redesign coming on.