's Having A Little Spring Clean: Well, Doesn't Every Lady Need Some Maintenance Time?'s Having A Little Spring Clean: Well, Doesn't Every Lady Need Some Maintenance Time?
By  | Apr 4, 2014

Greetings from the bowels of HQ!

I speak to you with a feather duster in one hand and a mug of builder's tea in the other.

We are working really hard this afternoon to make sure that your experience is the very best that it can be. So we're doing some complicated computer-y stuff to help everything run as smoothly as Michael Fassbender sipping an espresso martini.


Our Spring cleaning is almost finished and everything is looking spick and span *spits and polishes furiously*. We're sorry that we had to lose just a few comments from this afternoon but whaddaya say we have even more chats next week to make up for it?

Go on, go on, go on. I'll even share my so-strong-you-could-trot-a-mouse-across-it tea with you.

Team x