Whoop Whoop! The IMAGE Beauty Awards Are Out Today!

Whoop Whoop! The IMAGE Beauty Awards Are Out Today!
By Beaut.ie  | Apr 23, 2008

Fancy finding out what 15 of Ireland's top beauty pros think of the 165 products that they've deemed worthy winners of IMAGE Beauty Awards for 2008? Better get down to the newsagents so, and pick up the May issue of the magazine, hot off the press. 21 pages are jam-packed full of the best-of-the-best of moisturisers, makeup and hair potions, and I think it's a completely ace resource. Lots of luxe treats, for sure, but also loads of brilliant bargain buys.

But then I would say that - I don't often talk about the day job on beaut.ie, but I've been the Acting Beauty Editor at IMAGE since last June, when I embarked on a maternity leave contract. So, it was yours truly who planned, sorted, parcelled up, conducted, cajoled, cried and slaved over a hot keyboard to bring you this year's edition. I'm very pleased and proud of the result, and hope you guys will be too. It's great value for beauty junkies too, at only €4.25.


Plus, one reader gets a chance to win one full set of all the winners - that's a prize worth over €6k!