Why is no one social networking me? And are we validating ourselves with the web?

Why is no one social networking me? And are we validating ourselves with the web?
By Beaut.ie  | Mar 12, 2010

When I got home last night I checked my texts - no SMS for me. No one had PM'd me on the Forums. The only emails I had were ones asking me if I wanted to buy Viagra. No Tweets had come in.

Granted I had been away from the devices of electronic communication for only twenty minutes but STILL. Was I becoming too reliant on social networking as a pick me up?

"You still love me don't you?" I asked Cosmo Cat picking him up and cuddling him. He squawked and wriggled away.

Clearly no then.


But it got me to thinking. I'm not actually a member of lots of services - but the ones I am a member of I'm addicted to. I don't follow loads of people on Twitter but I read loads (one I do follow and you should check out is @CherylKerl - hilarious!). I'm totally addicted to Beaut.ie and everything to do with it. I've met loads of great people and had so much fun.

How many forms of social networking are you a part of? Do you regularly read and comment on blogs - do you have your own blog, join forums, chat on Facebook, Bebo or MySpace, hook up with colleagues on LinkedIn, Twitter, use MSN or other online messaging or maybe online dating sites?

Are you completely addicted - or can you take or leave it?

To the comments and let us know!