Atchoo! Science Proves that Mammy's Cold Advice was Right

Atchoo! Science Proves that Mammy's Cold Advice was Right
By  | Jan 7, 2015

As we return to the germ-infested Petri dishes that is our workplace and the daily grind, science has a handy tip that might help keep you healthy as all those around you fall ill.

As it turns out, the Mammy might have been right when she warned you to wrap up well, as it seems that scientific research from none other than the boffins at Yale University has shown that protecting your nose from the elements could be the key to avoiding the cold that takes everyone else down. So it's nose hats all round then.

The findings of their study apparently "gave credence" to claims that you should wrap up and in particular wear a scarf, as covering your airways to keep them warmer can help to stop the virus from spreading. And while many previous pieces of research have debated whether or not temperature actually played a role in people getting the common cold (despite the name), this latest one seems to show that it at least has some effect.

So listen up - the study, which has been published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found that cells from the inside of the airways of mice had a better immune response to the cold virus when kept at 37°C rather than lower temperatures such as 33°, which is more like what your nose would be at if not properly wrapped up and protected by a scarf.


Of course, given the recent dose that's going around, this news may have come too late for some, but there's still a chance to save others from weeks of unpleasant nasal discharge and incessant coughing. Go and spread the word.

And if you do succumb, worry not because we have some top tips to keep you looking your best while your immune system does its thang.

Have you picked up the bug that is doing its horrible rounds? And do you have any tips to help your comrades-in-tissue-arms?

Via i100. Main pic via William Brawley/Flickr