Behold The Single Greatest Viral Video Of Our Time

Behold The Single Greatest Viral Video Of Our Time
By David  | Aug 31, 2015

It involves rubber ducks and IKEA and you've probably seen it already but if you haven't what are you waiting for?

The uploader of this video was apparently trying to embarrass his girlfriend by pulling off this stunt in what appears to be an IKEA but could be anywhere that houses a selection of junk that can haunt your dreams but only managed to create the most ridiculously amazing scene of our time.

And of course once the citizens of the internet got their hands on it all sorts of shenanigans happened, the greatest being the reversal of the video and this chilling THX dubbing that people will remember from the cinema back in the day.


And if you so desire, you can watch it on repeat until the end of time.

It made its way into our lives this weekend, have you come across it before. And tell us, is genius too strong a word?

Via YouTube/Vine