Brave blogger reveals the realities of living with polycystic ovary syndrome

Brave blogger reveals the realities of living with polycystic ovary syndrome
By Miriam Burke  | Sep 14, 2016

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome affects countless women throughout the world. Still, it's a condition that isn't often openly, or honestly, discussed.

Celebrities like Victoria Beckham have spoken out about their struggle with the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). However, most people are unaware of how crippling the condition can be.

PCOS may occur if tiny cysts are detected on the ovaries and when the ovaries over produce the hormone androgen. Common symptoms associated with it include acne, irregular or absent periods, weight gain and hair loss. Or hair gain.

Blogger Tina-Marie Beznec has received praise for sharing her experience of living with PSOC. Posting on Facebook, she gives an honest and motivating account of what it's like to have the condition. However, it's the accompanying picture that is getting the most attention.

She writes: "Hi my name is Tina and I have Polycystic ovary syndrome. As well as depression, anxiety, infertility, weight gain, hormonal imbalances, bloating, abdominal pains, acne, cysts, increased risk of cancer and everything else, a lot of woman including myself have to deal with facial hair!

"Do you know how UNFEMININE this can make a woman feel?!? I've always been super self conscious about it, but really just have to put this out there because I want create more awareness around this syndrome and how much it can impact someone's life especially if they don't know they have it."


The fact that her story has gone viral speaks volumes. As well as serving as support for other women around the world with PCOS, her message to people who do not know much about the condition is empowering.

"When you see someone who is overweight, has bald patches, or a woman who has facial hair DO NOT JUDGE. You never know what a person is going through and it's unfair to put someone into the "lazy and unhealthy" category without knowing their story."

Read the full post below:

Via Cosmopolitan