Cher turns 70! See her stunning present from Philip Treacy

Cher turns 70! See her stunning present from Philip Treacy
By  | May 23, 2016

Cher has never been owned or defined by her age. Her video for Turn Back Time is just one example of this (although do spare a thought for her son, who's playing guitar - aged 12 - and covering his face in his hair throughout).

Her recent stage costumes also suggest the lack of fecks given regarding her vintage.

Now that she's 70, the singer/Oscar winning actress had this to declare - in case we feared she was going to shrink off into shadows anytime soon... While she found this birthday tougher than most...


She's Cher and she's going to "kick ass" 'til she's 100.

Stil, at least birthdays mean pressies! She was so taken with the rather stunning hat sen to her by mate Philip Treacy, she posted a montage pic to twitter.