Fair Play: Seven-Year-Old Little Girl Stands Up to Homophobic Preacher

Fair Play: Seven-Year-Old Little Girl Stands Up to Homophobic Preacher
By Beaut.ie  | Jul 1, 2015

The Supreme Court of the United States recently made same-sex marriage legal in the United States, and in the wake of that ruling, there were demonstrations in support and against the decision.

Both of those demonstrations came face to face just a day after the ruling in Ohio at ComFest, where a group celebrating the legalisation of same-sex marriage found themselves confronted by a homophobic preacher who was shouting about "sodomy, brimstone, and bellowing" about all the evils that the ruling would mean, until one young girl approached him, rainbow flag in hand.

Zea is just 7-years-old, but speaking to Raw Story, her father Ryan Bowling said that she didn't know what to make of the preacher at first, and that her reaction was one of "confusion, followed by shock as to why he would bother to come to Comfest just to be so mean". Instead of shouting at him or being mean in response, she simply held up a rainbow flag, and he "deflated visibly when he saw her coming".


Bowling added that the crowd immediately got on her side, with lots of people giving her high fives, while other "people cried, really. I honestly don’t know that I’ve ever seen that many people looking out for her at one time".

The clip has since gone viral, but that's not something that Bowling or Zea wanted. He said that ""she has a very keen sense of justice about the whole thing", and that "she’s just decent to people because they are people. She treats others fairly, because she wants to be treated fairly. That shouldn’t go viral, it should just be who we are to each other".

Via Raw Story