Friday Feelings: What Are You Looking Forward to in Autumn?

Friday Feelings: What Are You Looking Forward to in Autumn?
By Beaut  | Aug 14, 2015

We're optimists here at We look on the bright side, our glass is always half full. Yes, we had a fairly crappy summer but look at it now! It's nice and sunny and we didn't have to put a coat on when we popped out to the shop. There is, however, a distinct feeling of autumn in the air...and we like it.

We always feel that September is a great time for new beginnings, way better than January when the last thing we want to do is hop on a treadmill or begin eating salads for lunch. The going back to school feeling is infectious - even though we've worked all through summer, and even though the weather didn't match the season this year, June, July and August feel like we're on holidays too. In September, 'normality' is restored.

Don't get us wrong, we would totally welcome an Indian Summer and the chance to sit outside cafés in our sun dresses, but still, we're looking forward to putting on our new boots, wrapping up in a jacket and scarf and crunching through the fallen leaves in a nice park. We're also looking forward to watching box sets guilt free because it's not bright at 11 o'clock at night.


Summer's great and maybe we're ready for autumn because we have a holiday in Spain booked for next month (!) but having nice autumnal things to anticipate is so much better than lamenting this year's lack of sun.

What do you like about autumn? Do you get that back-to-school feeling too? Have you got any September resolutions?