Meet the Alarm Clock that Won't Take 'Snooze' for an Answer

Meet the Alarm Clock that Won't Take 'Snooze' for an Answer
By  | Jan 14, 2015

Whether you need to be up early for work, or you want to hit the gym first thing, there's always that moment before going to sleep where you set your alarm and think that it will be no problem hopping straight out of bed in the morning. Be grand, says you, I'll just jump  out of bed, says you.

Once that buzzing sounds hits, though, the game changes, and you slap snooze 14 times in a row, show up 45 minutes late for work and end up getting a verbal warning from your boss about your truly awful timekeeping skills, as you try to explain just how comfortable and schnuggly your duvet really is. Well, those days are gone with the latest innovation in non-sleep technology.

This alarm clock, designed by the folks at Ramos, simply won't take snooze for an answer, and makes sure that you stand up and get out of bed to turn it off. The alarm works through an app and a bluetooth connection that forces you to get up and bring the phone close to the alarm in order to get it to stop. It's pretty simple really, but hopes that by forcing you out of bed rather than just being able to hit snooze that you'll form some healthier sleep patterns.

You can place the beacon wherever you want to start your day (probably next to the kettle and instant coffee, we assume) and then go to sleep blissfully in the knowledge that you'll definitely get up and do whatever it is that you promised yourself you would.

Speaking to NPR, creator Paul Sammut said that the idea behind the clock was inspired by his mother: "It's sort of modeled after my mom because in high school I always got out of bed and had breakfast, and the reason I got out of bed was because of my mom". Ramos, he adds, is also way more annoying than his mom, which is the point.


It comes in a number of designs, including ones that look like a steampunk retro clock of some description, and while the first version launched back in February 2012, this new, modern design (in the main picture above) has been getting plenty of attention.

The alarm also has batteries, so even if you plug it out in a fit of sleep-deprived rage you won't be able to stop it, and is part of the Internet of Things, meaning that you will be able to program it to turn on your lights when you want to wake up too. It's expected to retail between $90-130, depending on the model, which works out between €75-110.

Which might be a waste of money because we might throttle it to alarm-death after we've stepped on an upturned plug as we stumble around trying to find the door handle in the dark….

Are you a divil for the snooze button? Is there always time for one more schnuggle from your duvet? And would this alarm force your sorry, sleepy self out of the leaba?