How to mind your mental health this Christmas

How to mind your mental health this Christmas
By Laura Doyle  | Dec 10, 2019

Christmas can be a time full of joy but for many, it can be an anxious time full of worry and pressure. Financial pressures, family pressures or even pressure to fit into the ‘norm’.

For some with no family, it can be a sad and lonely time full of pain and loneliness. It’s important to remember it’s not all presents and fairylights.

If you are one of these people, it is important for you to plan how you might deal with these feelings and get through them. Unfortunately, Christmas time is going to come around we can’t change that but you can try to control how you deal with it.

Here are some tips:

Comparison is the thief of joy

Whatever you do this Christmas do not compare. Don’t compare your Christmas to other people’s Christmas. Think of two things that really mean Christmas to you and focus on that. You are the most important person in your life, your own happiness matters first and foremost.

Reflect on the past year


As the year comes to a close, it can be easy to think about the things you are yet to achieve. Focus on how far you have come, and all the things that you have achieved.

Do something kind

Kindness is infectious. If you don’t feel your best at Christmastime, try doing something positive. Help out at a soup kitchen, visit an elderly neighbour or even help out at a charity shop. You can be sure it will help to make you feel better about yourself.

Get Help

Christmas can be incredibly triggering. When you are triggered enough it can be difficult to get out of it. Don’t forget that there is always help available, support lines and places you can go if you need to. You are not alone.