meets the incredible Katie Taylor meets the incredible Katie Taylor
By  | May 3, 2016

Yes, it's the first day back after the bank holiday and while our #MondayMotivation is a day behind, well, if ever you needed cheerleading, it's probably now.

This week of motivation comes courtesy of the incredible boxing champion Katie Taylor. A young Irish woman and who needs no introduction, Katie inspires us daily to set our sights high, not stopping ‘til we achieve our dreams. We’re pretty certain that reading this will give you a whole new perspective on Mondays and, who knows, you might even be inspired to join a local boxing gym. Katie, over to you.

'Never settle'

So for those who have been living under a large rock, tell us what you do.
I am an Irish boxer from Bray. I am currently the Irish, European, World and Olympic champion in the 60 kg division.

How do you start your week?
I start my weeks the same each time! I train twice a day with just one rest day during the week.

Top tips for a Monday?
Every Monday is a fresh start. If last week didn’t go your way or you had a bad weekend it’ll be ok because Monday is a new beginning. Although for me Monday’s just feel like most other days as I don’t have a typical “working” week!

Your Monday fear cure?
Thankfully I don’t really get the “fear” but I hear it can be awful! As I said I don’t have that typical working week so my approach would be a little different. Some Mondays may even be a rest day depending on my schedule, competitions coming up etc.


The answer to a sh*tty Monday?
Chocolate, it’s always going to be chocolate for me!

Best life advice?
It doesn’t matter what you relate it to but it will always be relevant. With hard work and dedication you can always achieve your goals

Worst life advice you've been given and ignored?
To be selfish. I think this can be the downfall to many people and I just not a great trait. Although boxing is a solo sport it certainly doesn’t feel like it. I have a big team and all my family around me and I certainly wouldn’t be where I am now if I had been selfish and put myself first every single time.

Best career advice?
Don’t give up and make sure you love what you’re doing. I will continue to box for as long as I am physically able to compete at this level and as long as I am happy and enjoying it. If you don’t love what you’re doing you won’t be able to perform to the best of your ability and put 100% into it.

Tell us about an experience when somebody said, in so many words, that you probably couldn't achieve what you want to, but then you did it anyway.
When I first started to compete women’s boxing wasn’t even a sanctioned sport in Ireland so from the very start I was already being told that this wasn’t for me! I kept going though and kept myself focused; it made me even more determined. Eventually I just couldn’t be ignored as I was getting great results internationally!

Tell us about a time you made a mistake, big or small, and how you picked yourself up afterwards and learned from it?
This may sound a little clichéd but I don’t believe in mistakes. I think the important thing is that you learn from all experiences, positive and negative. I would even say that I learn more from some losses and they help build you into a better person


Song you'll definitely dance to when nobody's looking?
Summer Jam, The Underdog Project

When you're really pissed off you're most likely to...
Go for a walk with my dog Hagler, just to clear my head

Your go to quote when you're lacking in motivation?
Psalm 18

Your secret ingredients for motivation?
My ingredient is just the ultimate desire to win and to be at my best all the time! This is what keeps me going every day.

Mondays aren't the worst because...
It’s just another day and it can be a fresh start to the week!


What are you doing that's good for your brain?
I live a very healthy life with my training. I do a lot of exercise, I eat the right foods and I surround myself with good people in the shape of my family and friends so I think most of that should be good for my brain !

Book that you'll always return to, and why?
The Bible because it’s where most of life’s answers can be found.

What makes you feel good, that doesn't cost a penny?
Being around my nieces and nephews is always something that will pick me up. They have so much energy and are great fun to be around. Although they don’t always cost nothing – I do like to treat them as well!

A dinner dish that could make any Monday bearable?
I’m not the greatest cook but my nanny’s Irish stew is delicious. It is a good hearty dish that is always something to look forward to.

Your top 3 comforts?
Family, my dog Hagler and chocolate

Guilty pleasure?
Chocolate and my go-to is a pack of Maltesers!

Favourite online destinations when you need a pick-me-up
I do admire Conor McGregor and what he has achieved in his career so he is always a good profile to look at plus he’ll always give you a laugh!

If you could urge women to read one piece of writing, what would it be and why?
Psalm 18 – this is very personal to me but I feel it gives me great strength in what I do. It won’t be for everyone but it is hugely important to me.

Life motto?
Our family motto is “every child is destined for greatness” and this will be what I carry with me throughout my life.

Katie Taylor is a current ambassador, along with her mum Bridget for P&G's 'Thank You, Mum' Olympics 2016 campaign for Rio. meets Jojo Moyles

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