#MondayMotivation with Blathnaid Treacy

#MondayMotivation with Blathnaid Treacy
By Beaut.ie  | May 9, 2016

Time for some #MondayMotivation again and if it's a major shake up you're after, you need look no further than eternal go-getter Blathnaid Treacy. You'll find her on RTE2's Two Tube from Monday to Friday chatting to lots of movie and music stars and when she's not rubbing shoulders with the world's biggest influencers she's hosting her own show on Friday nights from 8pm, on 2fm, where she counts down the top 30 songs in Ireland in both English and Irish. She also covers a lot of the music shows on RTE 2, such as the European Border Breaker Awards, Choice Music Price and the Electric Picnic Show. A woman of many, many talents. She's also one of our major style crushes; if you're looking for style tips too, she's your girl. Here to blow your Monday blues to bits, take it away Blath...

How do you start your week?
With a giant cup of tea and a big hug from Stephen Byrne!

Top tips for a Monday?
I take one step at a time - shower- get ready- drive to work- drink tea-hug Stephen... If I thought about everything on my "to do list" I'd flip out.

Your Monday fear cure?
The promise of big cosy movie night after work with loads of food. Game of Thrones is back so I have that to look forward to every Monday now!

The answer to a shitty Monday = A good gossip with my pals. Just get it all off my chest and forget about it.

Best life advice?
If you throw positivity out into the universe it will come back to you.


Worst life advice you’ve been given and ignored?
I was told by someone, to keep my opinions to myself and try not to offend anyone, keep under the radar. I ignored that and spoke out about what I believed in.

Best career advice?
Knock on doors, be relentless and keep coming up with ideas.

Tell us about an experience when somebody said, in so many words, that you probably couldn't achieve what you want to, but then you did it anyway.
To be honest the people I have in my life are very supportive and caring, so no one has ever told me that I can't or shouldn't do something. It's important to surround yourself with positivity because more often than not it's you telling yourself that you're not good enough or talented enough, we are our own worst critics so that's why it's important that the friends you have make you feel good and empower you.

Tell us about a time you made a mistake, big or small, and how you picked yourself up afterwards and learned from it?

Doing live TV you are bound to make a few mistakes that unfortunately the whole nation will see, but I find that if you laugh it off and just keep going it all works out fine. No one is perfect and at the top of their game all of the time. I think we can be really hard on ourselves. I think it's better just to tell yourself 'oh well, I'll be better next time'. Focus on future successes rather than past mistakes.


Favourite curse word?
I have plenty but I will not divulge them here - I nearly cursed live on the radio before, but I just stopped myself before I did it. I'd like to keep a clean record!

Song you'll definitely dance to when nobody's looking?
En Vogue - Don't Let Go

When you're really pissed off you're most likely to...
Lose my temper and say something I'll regret.

Your go to quote when you're lacking in motivation?
Everything happens for a reason... so make it happen!

Your secret ingredients for motivation?
A full stomach, a lap top in hand and a quite sitting room with the fire lit (the exact setting I'm in now).

Mondays aren't the worst because...
They are like a clean slate - every Monday is like a New Year, you have days of opportunity in front of you, now make the most of them!


What are you doing that's good for your brain?
Eating carbohydrates hahaha I heard they are really good for brain function! LOL. On a serious note though, I'm not really sure, I feel like I'm a really lazy person with a really busy person's life, so whenever I can I like to stop and reflect on the good stuff that's happening and stop thinking about everything I have to do. It's good to be present. Does that answer the question? I'm not sure...

Book that you'll always return to, and why?
I was only thinking about this the other day - I've read a few books by Irish authors recently -Brooklyn by Colm Tobin (I loved the film so much I read the book) Room by Emma Donoghue and Asking For It by Louise O'Neill, I adore all of them and now I'm about to start Me Before You by Jojo Moyes (British writer and it's just be adapted into film) I tend not to go back to read the same book again because there are so many books out there that I love to have a new experience every time.

What makes you feel good, that doesn't cost a penny?
Seeing my nieces and nephews, they make me so happy.

A dinner dish that could make any Monday bearable?
Thai Green Curry!

Your top 3 comforts?
Chocolate, Tea and the bf.


Guilty pleasure?
Binging on Netflix! I will happily watch 4 episodes in a row.

When life gives you lemons... (finish the sentence how you wish)
If only I was Beyonce... such a good album! No sure really, I guess I would say... OK but next time I want oranges so I'm going to make sure that happens.

Favourite online destinations when you need a pick-me-up
Pinterest. I often just look up cute pictures of puppies if I’m stressed or anxious and it actually de-stresses me, seriously.

If you could urge women to read one piece of writing, what would it be and why?
Asking For It by Louise O’Neill – I think men and women should read it.

Life motto?
You make your own opportunities, so get up off your ass and go!