Why this 30-something went for it and got a full medical

Why this 30-something went for it and got a full medical
By Aisling Powell  | Aug 14, 2018

Getting a full medical may not be the highest item on your to-do list, but when you become a 30-something, you kinda have to do it.

When you get to your mid 30's your body doesn't allow you to burn the candle from both ends without consequence. It's an unfortunate but true fact. It's important to start to eat healthily and take supplements. To get early nights, to exercise and to drink lots of water. To do all the things we know we should be doing. But actions are a lot harder than promises.

In this day and age, we work exceptionally long hours and are a lot more stressed than we know which indirectly has a negative impact on our health. When you start to hear that friends and acquaintances you know are being diagnosed with illnesses and even life-threatening diseases, the best thing you can do is be proactive.

The Full Medical

That's why I made an appointment for a full health screening. I felt prevention was better than cure. That, and I'm a bit of a hypochondriac, so I was convinced I was probably suffering from something or other.

When I made my appointment with MyMedical.ie, I was advised to fast for 12 hours before. The next day, I went up to Cherrywood Business Park and waited for my appointment. Now comes the part where people might get a little bit nervous. It's the fear of the unknown (and the hypochondriac). What if there is something wrong? Have my not-so-healthy-living ways caught up with me after all? Will it be as uncomfortable as everyone thinks a visit to the doctor is going to be?


Breathe a sigh of relief - the whole process is pretty pain-free and only takes about 30 minutes.

The Whole Shebang

First, I filled out a form with my medical history and then I was taken into a little cubicle where a nurse asked me questions and checked my heart function, temperature, height and weight. I also had to give a urine sample at this point. She took some blood, also. That took about 15 minutes in total.

Then, I went to see the doctor in a different room. He again checked my medical history and did an eye test, breathing test and checked my ears, nose and throat.

My results arrived in ten working days, which I was expecting, and it flagged that I had elevated levels of iron in my blood, which could be a genetic disorder called hemochromatosis. I was advised then to make a further appointment with my own GP and follow up with a second blood test.

Although it's not a severe disease, it's still great to know about it now and to be able to address it and monitor it before it becomes more serious.

All in all, I'm delighted I had a full medical and to know that I'm in good health. It was definitely worth the fasting to put my mind at ease.

You can visit MyMedical.ie to book your full medical for €100.