Highest Paid Actor Earns Millions More Than Highest Paid Actress

Highest Paid Actor Earns Millions More Than Highest Paid Actress
By Beaut.ie  | Aug 20, 2015

The list of the world's highest paid actresses has been revealed, and it's no surprise to see who took top spot.

Jennifer Lawrence banked $52 million for her role as Katniss Everdeen in the latest installment of The Hunger Games franchise. Scarlett Johannsen finished second, earning $35.5 million, having had huge success with the Avengers: The Age of Ultron.

Surprisingly, just like with the list of male actors' salaries, there was a place high on the list for a star we've seen little of in Hollywood. Asian actor Fan Bingbing took fourth spot, earning $21 million, which shows there's still plenty of money to be made outside of the big Hollywood studios.

Here's the rest of the top 18:

1. Jennifer Lawrence: $52,000,000

2. Scarlett Johansson: $35,500,000

3. Melissa McCarthy: $23,000,000


4. Bingbing Fan: $21,000,000

5. Jennifer Aniston: $16,500,000

6. Julia Roberts: $16,000,000

7. Angelina Jolie: $15,000,000

8. Reese Witherspoon: $15,000,000

9. Anne Hathaway: $12,000,000


10. Kristen Stewart: $12,000,000

11. Cameron Diaz: $11,000,000

12. Gwyneth Paltrow: $9,000,000

13. Meryl Streep: $8,000,000

14. Amanda Seyfried: $8,000,000

15. Sandra Bullock: $8,000,000

16. Emma Stone: $6,500,000

17. Mila Kunis: $6,500,000

18. Natalie Portman: $6,000,000

Via Forbes

We checked back on our list of male actors' salaries and were enraged to see that Robert Downey Junior earned $80,000,000 per movie. We wouldn't turn our nose down at Jen's earnings but still, come on.