Reports There Might Be A Prosecco Shortage This Summer

Reports There Might Be A Prosecco Shortage This Summer
By  | May 22, 2015

Alright everyone, just calm down, there's no need to panic, but it seems that there might be a shortage of Prosecco this year...WE SAID NOBODY PANIC!

The London Wine Fair is taking place this week, and while there's plenty of good times and good wine to be had there, it's not all good news, unfortunately. As it turns out, a bad harvest means that there might be a shortage of Prosecco later this year. 

Roberto Cremonese, export manager of one of the leading suppliers in the UK, Bisol, stated that the harvest last year was "down by up to 50% in some parts, so there is a very real possibility of a global shortage. We’ll find out how big the problem is in August when the brokers release their stock. At the moment we don’t know how much Prosecco they’re holding on to."

He added that grape growers in the region were upping their prices as a result of the increased demand and holding out on sales, which is making the situation even more difficult. "The négociants hold the power at the moment as they bought all of the stock. It might turn out that some of them have no fizz left but we’ll have to wait and see."


Waiting and seeing seems like the prudent, responsible thing to do...or we could all panic, and go about buying up all of the Prosecco left on the shelves.

Via The Drinks Business