The Three Phases of your Menstrual Cycle Explained

The Three Phases of your Menstrual Cycle Explained
By Sophie Gavin  | Oct 14, 2019

Most of us will have experienced many different symptoms throughout the month without realizing that they may be connected to our hormones.

Some days we feel more irritable, bloated or tired than others – but shouldn’t we only feel these things during our period?

The answer is no, your period is not the only time that your hormones can fluctuate. In fact, your period is just one of three phases of your menstrual cycle, all of which can affect your mood, energy levels, weight, etc.

Today, we’re explaining these three phases and how they might be affecting you throughout the month.

Menstrual Phase (Days 1 - 5)

This is the phase which you’ll probably be the most familiar with - otherwise known as your period. This is technically seen as the first five days of your cycle, but your period can last anywhere from 2-7 days.

During this phase the uterus sheds its lining causing you to experience various symptoms, including cramps, bloating mood swings, tiredness, irritability, back pain and more.


Exercise and staying hydrated generally help to ease the symptoms at this phase. If you are experiencing cramps, a hot water bottle or painkillers can help, but always check with your GP before starting new medication.

Pre-Ovulatory Phase (Days 6 – 15)

This phase is from days six to fifteen of your period. During the pre-ovulation phase, your estrogen peaks as your body prepares for an egg to be released, meaning you usually feel at your best at this time.

Although your moods may be at a high, your energy levels may dip and you can experience mild cramps and breast tenderness. Again, a hot water bottle and gentle exercise may can help to ease these symptoms.

Post Ovulatory Phase (Days 16-30)


This phase occurs, as the name suggests, after ovulation during days 16-30 of your cycle. Your progesterone levels peak about halfway through this phase which may cause you to experience symptoms of PMS, such as bloating, mood swings, weight gain, cravings, sleep issues, headache, acne and so on.

With all the ups and downs that we experience throughout our cycle, we were delighted to discover Triumph, an Irish monthly cycle supplement which naturally helps to balance these hormone fluctuations.

The main reason that the various symptoms you experience can be difficult to treat is that your hormone levels don’t stay the same throughout the month – they change rapidly.

That’s why Triumph created a monthly cycle supplement that is different at each stage of your menstrual cycle. This way, you’re giving your body exactly what it needs, when it needs it.

The supplement comprises of a tablet and sachet that are taken each day. These are colour coded and numbered to coincide with your cycle and are completely drug-free. They contain natural ingredients which provide the vitamins and minerals you need to balance your hormones and ease the symptoms which you may be experiencing.

So, there you have it – menstrual symptoms don’t simply begin and end at your period. However, there are things you can do to help to manage these symptoms and not let them get in the way of living a happy, active life.