Vergara raises breast cancer awareness with mammogram pic

Vergara raises breast cancer awareness with mammogram pic
By  | May 19, 2016

Vergara is famed for many things - her comic timing, her acting skills, and other obvious assets. The thing is, people prefer to forget or simply never think about the responsibilities that come with having boobs. They need checking - like all body parts need checking.

Therefore it's necessary that famous people who have a pair of boobs, like Sofia Vergara, to gently remind the public at large of what needs doing from time to time. So here is the 42-year-old, about to have a mammogram - and she seems suitably thrilled about it.


The thing is, mammograms are not that bad. I've had one (breast cancer runs in the family) - and sure, they're a bit uncomfortable, but the peace of mind knowing that you're checking your set and looking after yourself is worth the little squash and a squeeze experienced.

Have you had a mammogram yet?