Weekend habits that you need to stop right now

Weekend habits that you need to stop right now
By Guest  | Mar 1, 2016

The weekend. You have probably been waiting for it all week long and start thinking about the next one on Sunday night. Work and life stresses have been crazy so you just can't wait to let loose. But are you going a little too crazy? What are and why are we doing all these bad habits and can we change them?

I know this so well because I used to do most of these things myself. I would train hard all week long, eat really healthy and come Friday night go crazy on the treats and wouldn't stop until Sunday. OK, that was a long time ago now but I really do know how it is. Here are just a few things most of us do or have done on weekends and need to stop.

Binge Eating

Weekend binge eating is probably one of the most common bad weekend habits I see amongst my clients and friends. Eating organic food, getting up really early all week to get a gym session in before work only to eat everything unhealthy in sight come the weekend. Not only does this put us back in relation to our goals but it can make you feel pretty bad afterwards.

As I have said before, I'm all for a cheat meal and don't think you can eat ridiculously well all the time. Fit, healthy and happy is really important to me; I will often treat myself, but then I will also work hard at the gym. Completely overindulging and overeating never made anyone feel good and it's certainly not good for your health.

Excessive Drinking

The Irish have a reputation for this. I like a glass of wine at the weekend, it's a way to relax after a long week for a lot of people and I get that. I think it's totally fine to have a drink in moderation but that's not that I'm talking about. There are just so many people who just go nuts at the weekend binge drinking. Not only does drinking contribute massively to weight gain it can also lead to the dreaded hangover, lack of energy, further bad eating and The Fear!


The weekend just gone I went for a lovely dinner with Dave and had some prosecco and wine. Honestly, on Saturday morning I didn't feel great. I don't think the bubbles agreed with me so I drank lots of water and stayed away from caffeine until I felt OK again. I was then out on Saturday night for a gym buddy's birthday celebrations where I drank a few G&Ts and felt no bad effects the next morning. Gin will be my drink of choice from now on!

Switch Off

I know not everyone works a Monday to Friday job and some of us just have to work the weekend. The sooner you stop working the sooner you will be able to relax and enjoy the few days you have. I recently made a phone drop off basket in my house where I insist phones go in for at least a few hours a night, weekends included. The weekend should be about relaxing and regenerating so you can take on the world again next week. So, put that laptop away and go for a nice walk instead.

It's not all about the things we shouldn't be doing, I'd prefer to talk about the nicer things too. Where possible, weekends should be appreciated as you time, time to enjoy with family and friends. Walk with friends, cook healthy meals that need lots of prep that you just wouldn't have time for during the week. I can't wait for the next weekend. I always try plan my weekend as I feel if I don't they just run away from me. I always feel great on a Sunday night if I have had a productive yet relaxing weekend.

Have you any bad weekend habits that you think are stopping your progress or making you feel guilty on Sunday evenings? A few small changes could help.

Until next week,


Metabolic Fitness Trainer

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