WIN! Tickets to the Launch Party of Celebrity Salon With NYC

win NYC

TV3's beautytastic Celebrity Salon kicks off on June 7th at 9pm (oh PLEASE let it be as good as De Apprentiss) and features six celebrities, runs over 12 days and has one ultimate goal: to turn those 'slebs into hardened beauty professionals. Watch Brian Dowling, Pippa O'Connor, Leigh Arnold, Virginia Macari, Celia Holman Lee and Breffny Morgan (!!) cope with the wonderful world of tanning, waxing, hair and beauty as they try to become pros in double-quick time.

There's a big launch bash for the series taking place in central Dublin on the 3rd of June - yup, tomorrow - and it'll be an invite-only VIP affair, attended by the good and the great. It'd be great to go, wouldn't it? Well, one of you plus a pal will get to head along on the night, and it's all thanks to New York Colour. We've blogged about this affordable brand a time or three, and if you keep your eyes peeled, you'll also get to check out their re-launched summer collection during the series too.

So, do you want to win a pair of tickets to an event where you can hobnob with the stars? Ah of course you do! Because time is tight, this is a fastest finger comp. More details are after the cut.

UPDATE: The comp is now closed and the winner is Emily Hughes from Dublin.


TO ENTER: it's really simple: the 15th person to email us with their name, address and phone number to [email protected] will be the lucky winner! PLEASE mark your entry 'NYC/Celebrity Salon' as we have a number of comps running at the moment and it'll help us identify which one you're entering for.

THE RULES: You must be able to attend the party in Dublin on Thursday the 3rd of June; you must be over 18; one entry per person, there is no cash alternative and our decision is final. Comp closes as soon as the 15th complete entry has been received; winner will be notified by email; we never share your details with any third party.

For more information on New York Color visit or text NYC to 51500 for your nearest stockist.

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