Liar liar pants on fire: the most stupid lie you ever told

It was the time the Pope came to Ireland.

It was a very very different world that we lived in then, and if you were around you'll know that the whole of Ireland was aflame with excitement. The entire country piled into the Phoneix Park to see him. If you were a Catholic it was an event that united most of the island in staunch pride.

Well all except our family it seemed to me, a little kid in a convent school, where every single girl in my class had gone to "see" the Pope.

However unreligious as ever, my family weren't a bit interested in this momentous event. So when the teacher asked "hands up who went to see the Pope" the hands of the class shot up in unison. Mine hastily went up with the rest.

We were asked to tell our stories of the day. Most involved long queues, waits, and blocked toilets. Mine however was much better.


"I met him" I blurted out. "I got lost and a Garda brought me up to the stage and the Pope made an announcement to say I was found."

The Pope made an announcement!

All the other childer were suitably impressed. The teacher couldn't keep a straight face. And to this day I'm still reminded of that lie.

What about you? What was your stupidest lie ever? Admit it to!

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