3 Of The Hottest Fitness Trends For 2014: Would You Ditch Your Usual Workout To Try One Of These Sweaty Routines?

3 Of The Hottest Fitness Trends For 2014: Would You Ditch Your Usual Workout To Try One Of These Sweaty Routines?
By Andrea  | Jan 29, 2014

As I pounded along the treadmill last night, I gazed at the numbers on its little screen that were intent on telling me how many kilometres I had run (not a great number) and the number of calories I'd burned (an even less impressive number).

But apart from Nicki Minaj blaring from my earphones, this was the only entertainment on offer. See, I'm not the type of gym bunny sloth that can watch the soaps or read a magazine while I am exercising. I'd get too engrossed in who Peter Barlow was doing the bad thing with and end up smacking my jaw off the cross trainer (and by that I mean the machine and the grumpy instructor).

But 2014 is bringing us some hot new fitness trends and these are the type of work outs that would demand ALL of my attention.

(Image: Shannon Stapleton/Reuters)
  • Anti-Gravity Yoga

First up is anti-gravity yoga, which looks either like a type of fresh hell or a bundle of fun, depending on your bendy outlook.


Mariah Carey and Pamela Anderson are both said to be fans of this regime that combines yoga, gymnastics, Pilates and rhythmic movement. It eases the wear and tear on joints because you aren't competing against gravity. If your cartilage or knees aren't what they used to be, then this could be the workout for you.

Anti-gravity yoga has been making ripples in the yoga pond for the last year or two, but this year is set to see it take off. And judging from the picture, this is something that might also happen to your head if you aren't careful. I really want to try this out but I may insist on wearing  a helmet.

Images by: AMA/Shutterstock.com, Andrew Crowley
  • Hydrospinning

If you are a fan of spinning and are also a bit of a water baby, then hydrospinning is made for you.


Pedalling in water provides resistance, meaning that you'll end up pushing yourself harder and work different leg muscles. It's a world away from aqua aerobics where you (read: I) can just flounce around and concentrate on not getting one's hair wet.

Pippa Middleton is a hydrospinning devotee, though it has to be said the picture above looks more like an ad for bath aids for the elderly than a gruelling workout.

But I would invest in some padded special shorts - we all know that chlorine can sting like the divil.

(Image courtesy of Barrecore)
  • Barre Classes

My friend Kelly always starts her morning with a session at the barre.

But I suspect that sounds like more fun than it actually is because these are ballet-inspired classes, designed to tone your tum, bum and thighs. Barre has been around for a while but now it is taking notes from Pilates, giving your core a really tough session. A gentle warm up is followed by a series of small, intense movements that target different muscle groups. Pulses, stretches and held poses make this a great workout.

Tutus are optional.

What do you think of these workouts? Are you pulling on your cycling gear with matching swimming hat as we speak? Have you tried any new fitness trends recently? Tell us in the comments!