Breaking News: Estee Lauder to Branch into Pet Products


Deciding to forgo the lucrative male market, megabrand Estee Lauder have instead decided to make the leap into pet products. OK so it's not that new an idea, and brands like Paul Mitchell and Kiehl's have already broken ground with pet shampoos.  Nail lacquer brand OPI have also developed a line called Pawlish, and last week Petsugar broke news of some new claw transfers for dogs.

Acting on instructions from the will of their founder, the brand feel the time is now right to proceed. But Lauder have taken a new slant on the pet products idea - in an extension to their Doublewear franchise, they're launching long-wear cosmetics for pooches. No word yet whether the line will also be compatible for cats, but apparently we can expect a suite of products to include glitter eye shadows, coloured mascaras, false lashes and long-wear lip colour.

Everything will be simple to apply, meaning your pooch won't have to take lessons - just as well, as the lack of opposable thumbs tends to rule canines out from careers in makeup artistry.


What do you all think? A good idea, or are Estee Lauder barking mad?

YES! It was an April Fool - did we fool you?

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