Commenty Central: The Best of the Week on

After a brief Blathering hiatus, Glamazon was back with us this week and I was reminded that I'd missed her witty comments with some doozies such as this remark on xgirl's Buying a Hairdryer post.

"My mum's dryer is jurassic ... farting on your hair would dry it quicker than her dryer. I remember my mum had one of those dryers with a hose on it that attached to a shower cap type thing for 'setting' your hair when in curlers. She looked like a demented jelly fish in it."

Ah the lovely mental images, Glamazon :)

MontyC took a dim view of the so-called Sunlight Research Associations defence of sunbeds. "What that's noise? I know what it is. It the furious sound of the SRA scraping the bottom of the barrel."

I'm with you on that, Monty!

Pinklady clearly approved of one of this weeks' organised-by-Kirstie Prudence Beauty Award winners.  "It is great that Aldi won best Lip Gloss,after reading the article this morning I popped to Aldi and got the lip Gloss in my weekly shop it is lovely and only €1.34.  Come on that is Credit Crunching Good."

Aldi might have a new tag-line on their hands there...


But the majority of space on Commenty Central this week must go to (infrequent-but-always-memorable commenter) Róisín for this hilarious synopsis of her night out at the Prudence Beauty Awards on Thursday night. Roll it there Róisín:

"Oh god. Memories. Fuzzy last night Prudence Beauty Award memories.

Buckets of (paid for) chardonnay. Zol Tan the brusque Hungarian bar man. Chip cocktails. Horsing into a plate of prawns. Jessica Rabbit and the way she might protest too much. Hermione's gra for the word slainte. Aphrodite's restraint - sparkling water with lime, heavy on the lime. Kirstie's gorgeous clips (Vintage looking flowers from H&M).

Lots of talk about the time a zillion years ago I got caught rooting through the underwear drawer of yer man from The Wire. Can never, ever watch The Wire because of this. Shame.

As the wine flows I start showing mobile phone pictures of the babies to everyone at the table. They agree they are most beautiful babies ever made in the history of baby making. They are very polite. Oh god. I promised myself I wasn't going to be one of those mothers. I think I am one of those mothers. How, HOW??? did that happen?

Finally, home in a fast car, a sports car maybe, sitting beside Mr Lynnie as he zooms us around the badlands of inner city North Dublin. Back at the gaff have bright idea to feast on Koka noodles. Forget to add the sachet of crucial curry powder. They are still michelin star delicious. Fall asleep in red satin dress on sofa. Wake up with leaking breasts. Express half a litre of alcohol poisoned milk, then throw it away. My first pump and dump. Proud moment.

Smile innocently at babies who gaze back at me with what look like disapproving eyes. Or they could be just passing wind. Yes, it's wind. And maybe a little disapproval. In my defence, babies, I don't get out much these days.
Thanks for a most excellent evening Beaut.ies. x"

If only for introducing the term 'Pump and dump' to the Blather, we salute you Róisín.


Hope you all had a night out just as good this weekend. Chat to you next week!

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