Yes Sarah the Dr Spock hairdo was not a good idea

sarah hardingI think I´m getting a bit of a rep for solving the problems of the stars because this week I got another email.

Dear Aphrodite
Please help. I'm a member of a huge girl band. I'm a lingerie model too and on the face of it everything seems great.

But I worry so much because I'm the oldest member of the group and I'm starting to fret because I think my hard partying lifestyle is showing on my face. I've resorted to getting more and more extreme haircuts and outrageous outfits, but I don't think it´s working. What can I do?


Dear Sarah,
First things first. You are a stunner. Don´t worry about looking old. You SO don´t. In fact I never want to open another magazine again and hear you saying that. Secondly your new hair makes you look like Dr Spock. Mess it up, have a few early nights, drink loads of water and you´ll be right as rain.

Anyone else got any advice for Sarah? She logs on to every day!

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