Seven months to go: My bridal preparation journey

The time around your engagement is a whirlwind of emotion filled with lots of champagne, celebrations and eating out.

Then, that fades, and you're left with the realisation that you have an entire wedding to plan. Oh, God.

Getting married was never a huge priority for me. Having worked in the wedding industry for the past 14 years, at this stage, I feel like I have seen it all. Truth be told, my partner is the one who wants the "Big Day". Don't get me wrong, I want to be married to him, but I would have been happy with a registry office job and a big party after.

Anyway, the whole thing has given me food for thought. Knowing your beauty timeline is such a huge learning curve for me - and as I said, I work in the industry.

You see, the one thing for me that is important is how I look on the day. I'm not sure why, but I have always thought that I wanted to be and look the best I have ever looked the day of my wedding. I have always been a procrastinator, but with a September deadline looming, I'm working hard to reach my goals.


What I hadn't realised was that a lot of functional beauty treatments take time, especially ones regarding body, fitness, skin, hair and teeth.

In order for me to be the best "me" I can be by September, I am working with some of my favourite, beauty, health and wellness related gurus to help me get into the best shape of my life. (Famous last words.)

I will be documenting my journey all along the way so all you brides to be can come and join me on my quest and avail of lots of tips tricks and discounts in some of my favourite places to get wedding ready.

We have seven months people.

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