How To: Battling Congestion How To: Battling Congestion
By  | Oct 21, 2008

Recently my chin has ramped up in the disgusting stakes by about, oh, I dunno, a million percent. That's a scientific fact. One Million Percent.

I couldn't work it out. Why, all of a sudden, is my chin filled with ever-increasing amounts of gunk when my routine is the same? Every mirror I come across I'm doing an exaggerated Christy Brown impression at, to get a gander at what it looks like under different lighting conditions. Then I have an auld hoke, and squeeze some of the gudge out. Satisfying, sure, but I'm a bit worried about the health of my pores at this point.


I'm exfoliating with my #1 product, Origins Modern Friction, as often as usual - 2/3 times a week - and I'm using serum, moisturiser and eyecream as I would normally. All that's different is the time of year, and that proved to be the clue. My skin feels a bit dryer, and I'm whacking on waaaay more cream than I normally would. I'm using so much, in fact, that my chin is protesting mightily and that's why it's so congested.

The solution? I've halved the amount of moisturiser I've been putting on - really all any of us need (if it's the correct product) is a dab the size of a 5c coin - and even in 3 or 4 days, I've noticed a big difference in the lumpy, bumpy, gunkiness of my chin.