Broke? This gorgeous skin treatment is pretty much free

Broke? This gorgeous skin treatment is pretty much free
By Rebecca Todd  | May 24, 2018

We all love a girls night in with movies, treats and facemasks. If that's all you can afford before pay day, here's a free and fun skin treatment for you.

I have always loved using natural remedies for skincare. I've used an Aloe Vera plant cutting for bumpy skin on my arms and rashes. Coconut oil has so many uses in my house that it is often kept in the bathroom instead of the kitchen. Nature has so many amazing remedies and you will have lots of them just sitting in your cupboards and your fridge. This is a home-made, fun skin treatment that really works.

At this time of the month, pretty much everybody is in the same broke boat. So what better way to spend an evening this week than catching up with your girls while you treat your skin with a face mask at the same time. This particular concoction is natures clarifying and resurfacing mask. Sounds impressive, right?

We are always talking about Salicylic Acid so you all must know about the benefits of incorporating it into your routine by now. Strawberries, the little beauties, are rich in Salicylic Acid as well as AHAs. This means that they will help get rid of spots and blackheads as well as exfoliating your skin. We make this mask with strawberries, antibacterial yoghurt and honey, which is also regenerating and antibacterial for your skin.

It's not an exact science, so you don't need to be too precise. This recipe will do on average one to two faces.


2  strawberries, mashed

2 tablespoons natural yoghurt

1 tablespoon honey


Start by cleansing your skin. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl. If they are cold, they will have a cooling soothing effect on your skin. Then spread them evenly using fingers or the back of a spoon. Leave the mask on your face for about 15 to 20 minutes and remove. Moisturise your skin afterwards.